meghann garmany

Actor. Based in New York City, but always up for adventures.
Proud member of Actors' Equity Association.

Class with Ally Beans

As I’m looking for representation and continuing my on-camera training and pursuits, I am working to make more connections with Casting Directors and at the beginning of February I had the delight of class with Ally Beans of Eisenberg/Beans casting. It’s always nice to meet folx who are casting in theatre as well as on-screen and E/B works in both, and in the DMV area where I can work as a local hire. Also, she’s very into Indies which, character driven narratives and film work…? Let’s Go!

The sides Ally chose for me were from the Indie feature Extra Innings. My character was a Queer woman named Vivian, which always gives me a boost of feeling seen when I’m cast where I identify. Big thanks to Ally on that one. Looking forward to the next!