meghann garmany

Actor. Based in New York City, but always up for adventures.
Proud member of Actors' Equity Association.


The work of getting to know folx who are getting folx in front of the camera continues! I had a great two week session with Kim Miscia of Bowling/Miscia casting, on zoom with One on One. First session I was at home in NYC and second session I was at home in Virginia. I LOVE getting to work in person, but the option of having Zoom classes and being able to work and connect while away from home, is just so fabulous.

Kim assigned me sides from Blue Bloods, and I got to play ADA Erin Reagan, which was just such a great quick-paced and verbose scene to really ground into. Wow did I drill those lines, and I felt like it really paid off. I was delighted when the next week Kim gave me sides from Shameless, stretching to a different part of my range and getting to play with some comedy and chemistry over Zoom. I had a great time in both sessions.