meghann garmany

Actor. Based in New York City, but always up for adventures.
Proud member of Actors' Equity Association.


I registered with Central Casting, which…y’all…I didn’t even know it was a thing. I’m not ashamed to admit it, I have been such a theatre baby for so long and I’m uncovering new spaces for film work. You know where a great place to learn about being on a big budget set is? A BIG BUDGET SET. Enter, Background work. I always got this vibe that background work was kind of frowned upon, it’s not “real acting”, but hang on a second because it is literally an all day classroom and they pay YOU to take the class. And if you don’t want to create a story for the Non-Descript Pedestrian you are cast as and turn it into an acting exercise, hey, that’s on you; but just because you don’t have lines doesn’t mean you aren’t playing a person and that is acting. Also, they feed you.

In all seriousness, I do not want my first Co Star to be my first time on a huge set. I would much rather learn as much as I can and get super comfortable on major projects when just about no one is paying attention to me! Of course I want to up the ante and will be thrilled to leave background work behind me, but for this moment it is a welcome addition to my world.